Ketonorm solution for oral use
Product benefits:
- Unique product to correct acid balance in ketosis.
- Simple solution of difficult problems.
- No restrictions and waiting period.
Chemical composition and pharmacological properties
100 ml of Ketonorm contain propylene glycol - 80.0 g, methionine - 2.0 g, cobaltic chloride - 8.6 mg (as active ingredients), as well as distilled water (to 100 ml).Ketonorm action is based on propylene glycol (glucoplastic substance) content which is rapidly metabolized in stomach partially transforming into lactoaldehyde in liver. Also it promotes choline formation. During metabolism propionic acid forms which promotes oil synthesis acceleration and decrease in level of ketone bodies in organism.
Methionine and cobaltic chloride (components of the drug) directly influence on hemoglobin synthesis which is essential for synthesis of several enzymes and other substances regulating nitrogen, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
Use Ketonorm to treat and prevent subclinical and clinical ketosis in pregnant and lactating cows, as well as to increase productivity and viability of cows before and after delivery.Contraindications
Increased individual sensitivity to the drug components.Administration
Oral individual administration via probe (with water) or group one (with feed). Doses are listed below:• to increase physical fitness of pregnant cows to delivery and puerperal period - 300-500 ml per animal every day within 2-3 days before delivery and 2 days after it;
• to prevent and treat subclinical and clinical ketosis (mainly, within 2-6 weeks of lactation, depending on metabolic disorder severity) - 300-500 ml per animal every day within 4-5 days.
Divide appropriate amount of the drug on 2 steps and administer with 3-5 kg of silage or other green succulent feed. In severe cases repeat this treatment course.
Adverse events
In case of increased individual sensitivity and allergic reactions, stop drug administration and use antihistaminic and symptomatic drugs. Overdose: potential dysorexia, decrease in water consumption and gastrointestinal upset.Special warnings
Animal production can be used without restrictions after Ketonorm administration as per package insert.Storage
Store at 5-25°С. Shelf life is 2 years from manufacturing date.Pharmaceutical form
Ketonorm is manufactured in 0.5 and 1 l polymeric bottles; 5 l cans.
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All drugs for veterinary use from this catalog may be contraindicated and when using it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the Instructions for Use.