Eymetherm diklazuril granules for oral use
Product benefits:
- Causes death of Coccidia on all development phases.
- May be used in rotation schedule with Maduvet and Salinovet.
- Contains lactulose (prebiotic promoting beneficial intestinal microflora recovery).
- Promotes increase in weight gain and feed accessibility.
- Heat-stable, maintaining all properties in granulation or extrusion.
Chemical composition and pharmacological properties
Eymetherm diklazuril is a benzenacetonitril anticoccidial drug.100 g of Eymetherm diklazuril contain diklazuril - 0.2 g (as an active ingredient), as well as excipients including lactulose - 10 g.
Mechanism of diklazuril action involves disorder in transport of cations of sodium and calcium in oocyst causing death of Coccidia at schizogony stage. After oral administration diklazuril slightly absorbs in gastrointestinal tract providing anticoccidial effect on intestinal mucosa and submucosa.
The drug is used to treat ant prevent poultry coccidiosis.Contraindications
Due to drug accumulation in eggs, do not use it in laying hens and henny replacements above 16 weeks old.Administration
In order to prevent and treat coccidiosis in broiler chickens and henny replacements under 16 weeks old, administer with feed (500 g per 1 ton of feed). Use in broiler chickens since first days within all the growing period and exclude from ration 5 days before slaughter.Add Eymetherm diklazuril granules to feed stuff during preparation or directly in farm use. Mix daily dose of the drug and small amount of feed stuff (1:9) to provide equal drug distribution. Then carefully mix and add to feed aimed at daily consumption.