Chikenblue powder : product description, contents, product manual – AVZ
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Chikenblue powder

550 g
Release form :

polymer bucket of 550 g.

Product benefits:

  • Stains the oral cavity for 2 hours
  •  Improves water quality for oral vaccination
  •  Effectively Neutralizes residual chlorine and heavy metal ions in water

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

It contains: sodium thiosulfate, patented blue V, auxiliary components.

The sodium thiosulfate included in the product normalizes the pH of water, neutralizes free chlorine, thereby protecting immunobiological drugs from inactivation.

The patented blue V dye turns the solution blue, allowing you to control the distribution of immunobiological drugs through the water supply system.

CHICKENBLUE® powder stains the tongue and oral cavity of the bird, which allows you to visually assess the consumption of medicines by the bird within 2 hours after drinking. The product does not affect the consumption of water by poultry, the activity of live and inactivated vaccines..


CHICKENBLUE® powder is used to improve the quality of tap water and to control the completeness of the drinking of immunobiological drugs dissolved in water to poultry, as well as to control the disinfection process of the poultry house water supply system.


Not available.

Dosage and administration

Before using CHICKENBLUE® powder, the amount of water required for treatment is calculated. The product is added at the rate of 10 g per 100 liters of drinking water. After 10 minutes necessary to neutralize chlorine, the solution is thoroughly mixed with a polymer stick. An immunobiological drug for birds is introduced into the resulting solution with constant stirring and vaccination is carried out.

Adverse events

Side effects and complications when using the product in accordance with the instructions for use are not observed. CHICKENBLUE® powder is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and does not enter the systemic circulation. The remedy is excreted unchanged from the body with feces.

Special warnings

There is no waiting period after applying the product. Restrictions on the timing and consumption of eggs and poultry meat are specified in the instructions for the use of the drug (vaccine) used.


Store in the manufacturer's closed packaging, in a place protected from moisture and direct sunlight, at a temperature from 2 ° C to 25 ° C. The shelf life of the product after the first opening of the bottle is 6 months. Keep out of reach of children. It is forbidden to use the product after the expiration date.