Antibak 500 powder
Product benefits:
- Provides significant antibacterial effect on most of agents of fish bacterial infections.
- Rapidly absorbs and penetrates in most of organs and tissues.
- No contraindications.
- Short waiting period.
Chemical composition and pharmacological properties
1 g contains 0.5 g of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride as an active ingredient.Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (a water-soluble fluroquinolone antibiotic) has antibacterial effect on agents causing fish bacterial infections.
After dissolving in water ciprofloxacin rapidly absorbs via branchiae and penetrates in most of organs and tissues.
Use to treat and prevent bacterial infections in commercial fish such as: aeromonosis, pseudomonosis, myxobacteriosis, furunculosis, vibriosis, streptococcosis, bacterial necrosis of branchiae and fins and other infections caused by microorganisms susceptible to ciprofloxacin.Contraindications
Not detected.Administration
Treatment: short-term baths - (0.1 g/l) for 4 hours every day within 6 days; long-term baths - 0.005 g/l within 6 days in succession.Treatment and prevention: add 0.02 g/l in water of transportation vessels. Fish must be kept in drug solution for 4 hours at least.
Previously dissolve calculated amount of Antibak 500 in 0.5-5 liters of fresh water, even if the processing will be performed in sea water. Then add obtained solution to water tanks in which processing will be carried out.
Waiting period
Commercial fish can be caught and eaten not earlier than 4 days (water temperature >15°С) or 11 days (water temperature <15°С) after the last drug administration.Adverse events
Adverse events and complications are not generally observed in case of administration as per this package insert. Do not use in combination with other antibacterial and antihelmintic drugs.Storage
Protect from light and moisture. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. Store at -10…+30°С. Shelf life is 2 years from manufacturing date.Pharmaceutical form
The drug is manufactured in multilayer paper bags, polymeric cans with closures and polymeric buckets.
The information provided in this catalog is for reference only. There may be some changes in the characteristics, packaging and packaging of products.
AVZ reserves the right to make such changes without notice. You can get full information about the updated products from your personal manager or your nearest AVZ dealer.
All drugs for veterinary use from this catalog may be contraindicated and when using it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the Instructions for Use.