Amoxiyantar 150 solution for injection : product description, contents, product manual – AVZ
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Amoxiyantar 150 solution for injection

10 ml, 100 ml
Release form :

packaged in 10 and 100 ml in glass bottles of the appropriate capacity, capped with rubber stoppers, reinforced aluminum or aluminum-plastic caps with the control of the first opening.

Product benefits:

  • A drug with antimicrobial and antioxidant action for rapid recovery and recovery of the animal
  • Prolonged amoxicillin: 1 dose for 48 hours
  • Increases the sensitivity of microorganisms to therapy by increasing the permeability of bacterial cell membranes
  • Stimulates the destruction of bacterial biofilms in the body of animals

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

Amoxiyantar 150 belongs to the antibacterial drugs of the penicillin group.

Amoxiyantar 150 as an active ingredient in 1 ml contains amoxicyl lin (in the form of trihydrate) - 150 mg, as well as auxiliary substances: succinic acid, butylhydroxytoluene, twin-80 and propylene glycol dicaprilate/dicaprate.

Amoxicillin, which is part of the drug, has a wide spectrum of bactericidal activity against most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, including Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Clostridium spp., Bacillus antracis spp., Actinomyces bovis spp., Peptostreptococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Bordetella bronchiseptica, Campylobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp., Pasteurella spp., Fusobacterium necrophorum, Bacteroides, Haemophilus spp., Moraxella spp., Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and Actinobacillus lignieresii.

Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic antibiotic of the penicillin group. The mechanism of antibacterial action of amoxicillin consists in suppressing the functional activity of bacterial enzymes of transpeptidases involved in binding the main component of the cell wall of microorganisms - peptidoglycan, which leads to a violation of osmotic balance and destruction of the bacterial cell. Amoxicillin is a first-choice drug used when symptoms of the disease appear based on a preliminary diagnosis.

After parenteral administration of the drug, the maximum concentration of amoxicillin trihydrate in the blood serum is reached after 1-2 hours and is maintained at the therapeutic level for 48 hours. Amoxicillin trihydrate is excreted from the body with urine and feces mainly in unchanged form.


Amoxiyantar 150 is used for the treatment of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats in diseases of bacterial etiology of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and genitourinary system, skin, joints and soft tissues, including necrobacteriosis, umbilical infections, atrophic rhinitis, metritis-mastitis-agalactia syndrome and other primary and secondary infections, whose pathogens are sensitive to amoxicillin.


Contraindication to use is an increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug, as well as pronounced disorders of the liver and / or kidneys.

The possibility of using the drug Amoxiyantar 150 pregnant and lactating females, as well as newborn young, is determined by the attending veterinarian based on an assessment of the ratio of benefit to the possible risk of using the drug.

Dosage and administration

Amoxiyantar 150 is administered to animals parenterally once at a dose of 1 ml per 10 kg of animal weight: cattle, sheep and goats intramuscularly or subcutaneously, pigs - intramuscularly. If necessary, the injection is repeated after 48 hours.

Before each injection, the vial should be shaken until a homogeneous suspension is formed.

The maximum volume of drug administration in one place should not exceed 20 ml for cattle, 10 ml for pigs, 5 ml for sheep, goats and calves.

Amoxiyantar 150 is used, as a rule, once. If it is necessary to re-administer the drug, do not increase the 48-hour interval, as this may lead to a decrease in therapeutic efficacy.

Adverse events

Side effects and complications when using Amoxiyantar 150 in accordance with this instruction, as a rule, are not observed. In rare cases, edema may develop at the injection site, which resolves spontaneously within 1-2 days. With increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug and the appearance of allergic reactions, the use of the drug is discontinued and, if necessary, desensitizing therapy is performed on the animal.

Amoxiyantar 150 should not be used simultaneously with other lactam preparations, as well as with bacteriostatic antibiotics (tetracyclines and macrolides), sulfonamides, thiamphenicol, chloramphenicol, fluoroquinolones, and also mixed in one syringe with other drugs.

Special warnings

Slaughter of animals for meat is allowed no earlier than 28 days after the last application of Amoxiyantar 150. The meat of animals forcibly killed before the expiration of the specified period can be used to feed fur-bearing animals.

Milk of dairy animals is allowed to be used for food purposes no earlier than 96 hours after the last administration of the drug. Milk obtained during the treatment period and within 96 hours after the last injection of the drug can be used after boiling in animal feed.


The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of production, after the first opening of the bottle - 28 days. It is forbidden to use after the expiration date.

The drug is stored in the manufacturer's closed packaging, in a place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature from 2 ° C to 25 ° C.