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Three blisters 10 tablets each
Release form :

Three blisters 10 tablets each


- RELIEVES PAIN, relieves inflammation

- FAST ACTING - the effect develops within 30 minutes

- CONVENIENT for use – once daily

- Easy to use — tablets with fresh meat taste and flavor

- Suitable for lifelong use

Composition and pharmacological properties.

ROXIOR® is available in two forms:

- tablets for cats containing 6 mg of robenacoxib per tablet.;

- tablets for dogs in 4 dosages, containing 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg and 40 mg of robenacoxib per tablet, respectively.

ROXIOR® contains lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, pregelatinized corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, calcium stearate and an additive with the taste and aroma of fresh meat as excipients.

Robenacoxib, which is a component of the product, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug of the coxib group. It is a selective specific COX-2 inhibitor with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. COX is represented in two forms: COX-1 - the constitutive form of the enzyme - has protective effect, including in the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys; COX-2 - the induced form of the enzyme - is responsible for the production of mediators, including PGE2, causing pain, inflammation and fever.

After oral administration to animals, robenacoxib is rapidly absorbed in the intestines, entering the systemic circulation and most organs and tissues; more than 99% of robenacoxib binds to plasma proteins. Time to maximum plasma concentration is 0.5 hours, bioavailability is 49% in cats and 62% in dogs when tablets are given with food and 84% when given without food. Robenacoxib is metabolized in the liver, excreted mainly with bile (about 70% and 65% in cats and dogs, respectively) and partially with urine; the elimination half-life in dogs and cats is approximately 1.2 hours and 1.7 hours, respectively.


ROXIOR® is used in dogs as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug for inflammatory and pain syndromes of various origins, including acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, synovitis, dislocations), inflammatory diseases of soft tissues, as well as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug in the postoperative period.


The drug is contraindicated in animals with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Do not use the product in animals with severe cardiac, renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Do not use ROXIOR® in animals with dehydration, hypovolemia and hypotension, peptic ulcer, as well as animals weighing less than 2.5 kg. If it is absolutely necessary to prescribe a drug to such animals, treatment is carried out under the constant supervision of a veterinarian.

Do not use ROXIOR® in pregnant and lactating animals, puppies younger than 3 months and kittens younger than 4 months.

The product is not intended for use in food-producing animals.

How to use

Roxior® is applied in dogs individually once a day at doses indicated in the table:

Animal type and bodyweight

The dose of the active substance (mg/tablet) and the number of tablets per animal


6 mg

5 mg

10 mg

20 mg

40 mg







2.5 to 5 kg


1 tablet




5 to 10 kg



1 tablet



10 to 20 kg




1 tablet


20 to 40 kg





1 tablet

40 to 80 kg





2 tablets

It is recommended to administer the drug without food, but, if necessary, the drug can be administered with feed. Tablets should not be crushed or broken.

In animals with diseases of the musculoskeletal system in dogs, the course of treatment is determined by the attending veterinarian.

For the treatment of osteoarthritis, tablets for dogs can be prescribed to an animal continuously.

For surgical interventions in dogs, ROXIOR® is administered 30 minutes before anesthesia at a dose of 1-2 mg per 1 kg of animal bodyweight; in the postoperative period, treatment can be continued for a period of up to 14 days.

If an animal received a dose of the robenacoxib-containing drug before anesthesia according to the instructions for use, the first dose of ROXIOR® tablets should be given 24 hours after the dose of a previous product.

Strictly follow the recommended interval, as non-compliance may lead to a reduced therapeutic effect. If repeated dose is missed, administer the product as soon as possible at the prescribed dose.

Side effects.

When using ROXIOR® in accordance with these instructions, animals do not show adverse events or complications. In dogs, gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, softening of feces or diarrhea) are possible, these symptoms resolve spontaneously and do not require drug therapy. In case of individual hypersensitivity of the animal to the drug and in case of allergic reactions, discontinue treatment and start antihistamines and symptomatic treatment.

There are no specific effects after the first dose and upon its withdrawal.



In case of an overdose of the drug in animals with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, gastrointestinal tract disorders, liver or kidney failure are possible. There are no specific antidote. General measures are taken to eliminate the drug from the body.

Overdose with the interchangeable use of the drug containing robenacoxib in the form of a solution for injections (according to the instructions for use) or ROXIOR® tablets in cats may lead to a dose-dependent deterioration of sporadic edema at the site of injection and minor inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue; and also this may be accompanied by dose-dependent effects on the cardiovascular and respiratory system of the animal; in dogs it may lead to a dose-dependent edema, erythema, thickening and ulceration of the skin at the site of subcutaneous injection, as well as inflammation, constipation or hemorrhage in the duodenum, small intestine or caecum.

Other drug interactions.

Do not co-administer ROXIOR® with other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and within 24 hours after their withdrawal, with diuretics, glucocorticosteroids, as well as angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and other drugs with high affinity to serum proteins due to the risk of mutual potentiation of toxic effects.



Store the product in a closed manufacturer's package, protected from direct sunlight, at 5°C to 25°C. Keep out of reach of children.

Shelf-life of the product when stored under recommended conditions is 4 years from the date of manufacture; after opening of the package the product can be stored under recommended conditions for no longer than 3 months. Do not use after the expiry date.

Dosage form.

3 blister packages (tablets for dogs) of 10 tablets, instructions for use. Outer package: carton.

The information provided in this catalog is for reference only. There may be some changes in the characteristics, packaging and packaging of products.

AVZ reserves the right to make such changes without notice. You can get full information about the updated products from your personal manager or your nearest AVZ dealer.

All drugs for veterinary use from this catalog may be contraindicated and when using it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the Instructions for Use.

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