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Radostin antistress for birds

20 ml
Release form :

20 ml dropper bottle. Outer package - carton.

Product benefits:

  • Manufactured as solution so it is easy to give to a bird.
  • Strong antistress drug.
  • Significantly enhances organism disease resistance.
  • Normalizes metabolism.

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

The drug contains vitamin А - 400 IU, vitamin В1 - 0.2 mg, vitamin В2 - 0.25 mg, vitamin В12 - 1 µg, vitamin С - 5 mg, vitamin D3 - 0.8 IU, vitamin Е - 1.25 mg, vitamin Н - 0.01 µg, vitamin К - 0.05 mg, methionine - 0.05 mg.
Vitamin А provides normal avian growth and development, regulates metabolism, recovers pen cover, influences over immunity to stress situations, most infectious and noncontagious diseases. Vitamin D3 provides availability of calcium and phosphorus in gastrointestinal tract and increases osseous system stability.
Vitamin E provides normal activity of reproductive system and promotes availability of other vitamins.
Vitamin B complex regulates metabolic processes, beneficially influences over visual organs, normalizes activity of gastrointestinal tract and cardiac muscle, stimulates antibody production. Vitamin H participates in carbohydrate, amino acid and fatty acid metabolism, influences over pen cover and nervous system functions.
Vitamin C promotes avian growth, normalizes endocrine gland activity (especially, adrenal one), improves hepatic function, provides iron availability, has immunostimulative action and increases immunity to stress situations.
Vitamin K increases blood clotting ability, participates in prothrombin formation and provides tissue regeneration.
Methionine participates in synthesis of adrenalin, creatin and other biologically important compounds, activates action of hormones, vitamins and enzymes.
The drug normalizes avian metabolism, stimulates growth and development, promotes termination or reduce of molting period, prevents self-deplumation, removes harmful stress consequences of transportation, change of feeding and keeping conditions, increases avian disease resistance.


Treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis, protein metabolism disorders and associated diseases in pigeons, ornamental and singing birds; during molting period in order to reduce it and self-deplumation prevention; in immunization, stress, ovaritis, salpingitis; to increase palatability, egg-laying capacity, nestler safety; to recover pen cover.


Not available.

Dosage and administration

Add 3-8 drops per bird to every day feeding within 5 days. Large birds and parrots: 25 drops with feeding. Repeat the treatment course in 10 days. Prevention: monthly add the drug to feeding in amount of 3 drops per bird (25 drops for large ones) within 2-5 days.

Adverse events

Adverse events and complications are not observed in case of administration as per package insert.


Store Radostin Antistress in closed original package at 0-25°С. Protect from light. Shelf life is 1 year from manufacturing date.

Pharmaceutical form

20 ml dropper bottle. Outer package - carton.

The information provided in this catalog is for reference only. There may be some changes in the characteristics, packaging and packaging of products.

AVZ reserves the right to make such changes without notice. You can get full information about the updated products from your personal manager or your nearest AVZ dealer.

All drugs for veterinary use from this catalog may be contraindicated and when using it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the Instructions for Use.

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