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2 ml; 1 l
Release form :

2 ml ampoule. Outer package - carton (5 ampoules). 1 l aluminium bottle.

Product benefits:

  •  Used for insecticidal acaricidal processing of both an animal and its inhabitation.
  •  Convenient and cost-effective (manufactured as a concentrate).
  •  High efficiency in spraying premises.
  •  Universal - effective against both insects and ticks.

Chemical composition and pharmacological properties

Medication for external use containing 4.0% deltametrin (synthetic pyrethroid) as an active ingredient. Deltametrin has significant insecticidal acaricidal intestinal and contact effect. It is active against sarcoptic, ixodic and chicken ticks, bed bugs, biting lice, sucking lice, fleas, flies, gadflies, mosquitoes and other animal ectoparasites.

Mechanism of deltametrin action is based on blocking neuromuscular impulse transmission at the level of peripheral nerve ganglions causing paralysis and death of parasites.
When used in recommended doses, Delcid does not provide local irritative, resorptive toxic and sensitizing effect. The drug induces mild irritation in case of contact with mucosae. It is toxic for fish and bees.


For processing of sheep, cattle, pigs, rabbits and dogs with arachnoentomosis, as well as for desinsection and desacarisation of livestock houses and other objects of veterinary inspection.


Do not use Delcid in weakened and debilitated animals, as well as in females (later than
2 weeks before delivery).


Process animals by spraying or swim-bath method.
Prepare working emulsion immediately before use under veterinarian's or veterinary assistant's control. Define volume of emulsion required for processing and appropriate amount of Delcid to prepare it.

Accurately mix required volume of Delcid and 2-3 volumes of water, then transfer obtained solution to a swim-bath with water or spraying device tank. Mix and dilute to required volume with water.

Before use dilute Delcid to appropriate concentration with cool tap water.


Emulsion preparation: dissolve weighted amount of Delcid in several liters of water. Transfer obtained solution to spraying device tank, add required volume of water and accurately mix. Animal spraying sequence: conches, head, body, tail, anal area, limbs. Do not wash away the drug. Avoid contact with animal eyes, mouth, and nose. Take particular care over affected body area processing.

Perform spraying using universal horizontal spraying booms (UHSB) or other damping-down spraying devices arranged in summer pen gates.
Processing time depends on predominant component of blood-sucking insects and meteorological conditions: after morning milking (high population of gadflies and black flies) or once a day after evening one (high population of mosquitoes and biting midges); every 2-3 days (moderate population of blood-sucking insects); every 7-10 days (only pasture flies). Do not process animals in rainy and cold weather.

Milking cows are allowed to be processed according to administration schedules recommended against blood-sucking insects and pasture flies (not later than 7 hours before regular milking).

Required volume of Delcid to prepare 100 l of working emulsion

Itch ticks

0.125% aqueous emulsion.

Prevention: once. Treatment: twice, 10-14 days apart (process rabbity conches 7-10 days apart). Working emulsion consumption:

cattle - 1.5-3 l/animal, pigs - 0.5-1 l/animal.


Water animals 2 hours before processing. Bathe sheep not earlier than 3 days after shearing.

Bathe lambs under 1 month old separately from adult animals. It is not recommended to process animals in hot weather. Clean a bath before processing. Mix appropriate amount of Delcid and 2 corresponding volumes of water, then transfer this solution to a bath. Dilute volume of water to the calculated one. Pass 20 animals to be reprocessed through this bath. Then process all the livestock. After bringing away 10% of working emulsion refill the bath in amount of 1.2 l of Delcid per every ton of added water. Process 2.5-3 thousands of sheep and decant content of the bath in settling pits. Clean the bath and wash it for the next processing.


Use Delcid to process premises, sheds and pens. Processing can be performed in presence of poultry and animals. It is used to treat surfaces against all flying and creeping arthopods (including red chicken tick, biting lice, argasid and shed ticks, bugs, cockroaches, flies and other insects). Process by aerosol method or damping-down spraying with 0.125% aqueous emulsion.

Carry out desinsection and desacarisation of poultry premises with 0.125% Delcid aqueous emulsion (aerosol method) against bugs, argasid and chicken ticks or cockroaches in absence of poultry during a routine break. Spray walls, ceilings, trumeaus and pits under cages. Collect eggs before a processing.

In an hour after processing air the premise at least for an hour. Sweep and discard dead ectoparasites. Accurately wash feeders and drinking pans, then place poultry into this premise.

It is allowed to process premises in presence of poultry without violation of processing method. In this case spray not more than 2/3 of total premise surface. Perform processing along with working ventilation or open doors. Do not process poultry and equipment. Turn off supply ventilation during processing (within 30-40 min). Operating personnel has permission to enter the premise not earlier than 30 minutes after processing.

Depending on parasite development cycle, process poultry premises twice, 10-20 days (15–20°С in a poultry house) or 5-8 days (>20°С) apart.

Perform desinsection of livestock houses, food mixing buildings, artificial insemination centers and other objects of veterinary inspection with 0.125% Delcid aqueous emulsion by selective spraying of insect landing areas (windows, walls, doors, support beams etc.). Consumption rate is 80-100 ml/sq.m of processed surface.

Before desinsection remove remains of feed and water, as well as milky stock, cover milking equipment with polyethylene film. In 1-1.5 hours after processing air the premise at least for an hour. Sweep and discard dead flies. Accurately wash feeders and drinking pans, then place animals into this premise.

Before mass processings test each drug batch on small group (7-10 animals of different fleshing). In default of complications within 48 hours, process all the livestock.

Special warnings

Do not use in ill and debilitated animals, as well as in females (not later than 2 weeks before delivery). Do not use in combination with organophosphate insecticides due to increase in Delcid toxicity.

After use wash face and hands with soap. In case of drug contact with human skin or mucosae, immediately wash it away with water current. If swallowed, give to an injured person several glasses of warm water and 8-10 tablets of activated carbon.

Cattle, sheep and pigs are allowed to be slaughtered for meat in 15 days after the last processing. This period is 3 days in rabbits. Meat of compulsorily slaughtered animals received before stated period termination can be used to feed animals or rework to tankage.

Milk of milking cows processed against sarcoptic ticks and sucking lice is esculent not earlier than 3 days after processing. Milk of animals processed against gadflies, pasture flies and blood-sucking insects can be used without restriction.

Adverse events

Adverse events and complications are not observed in case of administration as per package insert. In case of increased individual sensitivity to deltametrin, feed refusal, vomiting, oedemas and motor dysfunction may be observed. In this case stop further drug administration and perform desensitizing therapy.


Store in closed original package. Protect from direct sunlight and moisture. Store separately from food and animal feeding at -10… +30°С. Keep out of the reach of children. Drug shelf life is 2 years from manufacturing date when stored in accordance with regulations. Do not use after shelf life termination.

Pharmaceutical form

2 ml ampoule. Outer package - carton (5 ampoules). 1 l aluminium bottle

The information provided in this catalog is for reference only. There may be some changes in the characteristics, packaging and packaging of products.

AVZ reserves the right to make such changes without notice. You can get full information about the updated products from your personal manager or your nearest AVZ dealer.

All drugs for veterinary use from this catalog may be contraindicated and when using it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the Instructions for Use.

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