AVZ company received ''Golden Scalpel'' – News – AVZ
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AVZ company received ''Golden Scalpel''

Golden Scalpel National Veterinary Award is the highest award of the Russian veterinary community that is annually awarded for special achievements in veterinary medicine. It i's considered to be the most reputable Russian veterinary award.

Russian Practicing Veterinarian Association is an initiator of this award.

Nominees and prize winners are selected by titled jury. There are several nominations of the award.

''Scalpel'' figurine was created by known sculpture Andrey Nalich. It is made of bronze and its foundation is a natural stone.

Prize winners are announced during official ceremony within a framework of International Moscow Veterinary Congress (the largest Russian arrangement of veterinary medicine).

AVZ was rewarded with a figurine in Professional Competence nomination. It is presented to dedicated specialists achieved the highest results in their veterinary activity.