A decree on the establishment of the honorary title "Honored Veterinarian of the Russian Federation" was signed"
date: 31 May 2021
Therefore, we are very pleased that another step has been taken to support them - Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree establishing the honorary title "Honored Veterinarian of the Russian Federation", which entitles them to various benefits and preferences. This title disappeared from the award system in the fall of 2010. And its return is a merit of the Russian professional veterinary community and the trade union of workers of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation.
To receive it for personal merits can: employees of the veterinary service (doctors) who participate in the prevention and elimination of infectious and other animal diseases and in ensuring the safety of animal products in veterinary and sanitary terms , doctors who introduce the best Russian and world experience into modern practice, doctors who successfully and effectively combine medical activities with scientific ones, doctors who took part in the organization of anti-epizootic and other measures, rescue of animals during disasters, as well as veterinary specialists.- doctors are teachers who have distinguished themselves in the training of qualified personnel in the field of veterinary medicine.
This title will be awarded after 20 years of professional activity and if the veterinarian presented for the award has industry awards from state or regional authorities.